Google translate english to korean formal
Google translate english to korean formal

사랑합니다 (saranghamnida) is the formal version of I love you and should be used with people you do not know (not the same age) or when talking to a large group. It isn’t used often because of the nature of the word but might be used if you are making a presentation or a speech at a wedding. The Korean word for “love” is 사랑 (sarang).

google translate english to korean formal

It’s a typical Korean term that’s the first thing you’ll notice when someone says “I love you” in Korean. The Korean word for love is a great word to know how to use and recognize. By knowing this word and how to use it, you can also identify other words and phrases containing “love” in them.

google translate english to korean formal google translate english to korean formal

Here are the Korean words that make up the phrase “I love you”: You’ll start to see it quite often, and it’s a common word you’ll need as you learn how to speak Korean.

Google translate english to korean formal